Who We Are Not

Just as important as who we are and what we stand for is who we are not and what we don’t stand for. The property investment industry is not subject to the same scrutiny or professional standards as financial planning. As a result, the industry has seen a number of “spruikers” using questionable tactics and pushing dubious “investments”.

So let’s make a few things clear:

We Are Not Sales Agents

inSynergy doesn’t host mass-invite “free property investment advice seminars” aimed at selling high-risk off-the-plan properties. While some seminars are valuable, many push limited portfolio properties with generic solutions.

We prioritise personalised advice because individual circumstances determine the best investment strategy. We conduct one-on-one Property Investment Workshops, understanding each client’s unique situation and fostering financial literacy before advising.

Our advice relies on ongoing reviews, independent market research, and thorough analysis. As accredited investment property buyer’s agent’s, we consistently secure high-quality investments for clients.

While our services have fees, rest assured there are no hidden agendas.

We Don’t Look Short Term

inSynergy has been guiding individuals on their property investment strategies for over 18 years, with our reputation serving as our core asset.

Approximately 70% of our clientele comprises repeat customers, either referred by satisfied clients or returning to enhance their property portfolios further.

Our business thrives on the effectiveness of our strategies and the strong returns our advice delivers. Your success is our success.

We Are Not About High Risk Investments

We prioritise growing your wealth securely and avoid unnecessary risks, which includes investing in high-risk property off-the-plan without an appropriate risk-mitigation strategy in place. You must ensure that you’ll have the financial means to settle the property upon completion, otherwise you could lose your deposit and more.

Buying new property offers numerous financial benefits over buying existing property so, depending on your situation, buying off-the-plan may be the best strategy – as long as the appropriate checks and balances are in place.

Working with your accountant or financial planner we will clearly outline any potential positives and negatives of a particular property investment along with the science behind our recommendations.

We Keep No Secrets

Investors deserve clear and transparent information about their advisor’s income structure. At inSynergy, we believe in full transparency and do not keep any secrets regarding how we are compensated.

We Don’t Make Promises

Real estate, like all investments, carries inherent risks. Beware of anyone promising guaranteed returns; such claims should be approached with caution.

At inSynergy, we refrain from guaranteeing minimum rent returns or capital gains. Instead, we assure you that our investment advice is grounded in the latest and most comprehensive research, complemented by tailored finance strategies to suit your individual circumstances.

Want to learn more about investing in Property? Get in touch with us today.

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